WORLD ORDER ASSEMBLY, n, w, o, NEW, worldly, world, skip NWO, iDIOSy, order, peoples assembly, ASSEMBLiES, you are a JUNKY, skip return, dead eater daily, LIFE SLAUGHTERER, vessel maming insta wasted, books, manuals, rituals, aligory, al-i-gory, ass-ED, jOBbeD, you are the BOSS, LOST, LOUSE, gOaDer, b-LesSer, dead empty, sKuLLeD, be LITTLER, flowery bullshit raised ass-ed-er, afterlife, after, life, blood red dead intersectioned, starless night, surrender flagged, blood balled, hijacked, TRAFFICED, cat-HOL-iC, iLL rAdIaNt, asS, BACKWARDED, raised, PAID, pretend, pretenders pretending, bloodsprinklers, failed system rewarded, tax shuffling, UNIONIZED, system commandeering, CON-federation, of LORD per-versionist, SOCIETIED, free soul raping, BE-HAVi-OUR, behaviour, behavior, two gathered, JUNKYS, funds thieving, misappropriating, appropriating, CCE, ian-ing, continuing criminal enterprise, 101-ing, hijackers, hijacking, 911, SKit FUNDING, i, goO, gLee, googlian, iMPoStEr, sCHOoL, websites, sKiTs, CULTs, 101ing, system paid thieving jobbed, crisis actored, paid terrorizing, rotary, rotaries, pretending, actors, guilds, citizenry, LOST HALF LIFED, married f@C shit children raisers, it was you who were to be, CHRIST RETURNED, it was to be YOU, savior of ALL that are the TRUTHS, UNDER The SUNS, NATURALLY, natural, a real mccoy, the original originals, CUSTODiAN, spawn of a CREATOR of SUNS, that makes SUNS, of GALAXiES, that GiFT LiFe, tables flipping, thugs mugged, real reality flourishing, GIVE UP, GO AWAY, LiFe is The GiFT, WORLD ORDER FOUND, WORLD ORDER ASSEMBLED, sKip being a SLAVE RACE, raping the vessel galaxy reside in, Predestination are OBViOUS, it iS YOUR TURN, why CON-COCT garbage, core-rate-less, injected, MAMED, WONT EVER RETURN US, You are mindless, DEAD, Get out of the way, church bred, FLAG SKIT, SKIP IT ALL TOGETHER, cancelled, bloody, junkies, 501 robber thieves, snicker this snicker that, you are the most disgusting, for WEARING the costumes, of the rapist BRAT, HAT, Hats, qUAkeR hATs, any hat will do, iNTELLECT, LiTERACY, RESOLVE, WORLD ORDER ASSEMBLiES, Get yourself a BONNET, a, WON, iT, a, skip MASKS and HELMETS, you are ill rate paranoid WASTED, PUNKS, JUNK, dead eater FLUNKED, UNiVERSE SAiD, you finally get it, what are, CREATOR, that reside in you, the NATURAL, GIVE UP, GO AWAY, LiFe is The GiFT, WORLD ORDER FOUND, WORLD ORDER ASSEMBLED, sKip being a SLAVE RACE, raping the vessel galaxy reside in, Predestination are OBViOUS, it iS YOUR TURN
, TO play, oh, nevermind NeveRmInD, MusicCafe.Tv